Category | Topics |
XFEM4U Q&AThis category contains questions about XFEM4U! Post any question and the Struct4U-team or other users will answer them!
XConstruct Q&AThis category contains questions about XConstruct! Post any question and the Struct4U-team or other users will answer them!
XFrame2D Q&AThis category contains questions about XFrame2D! Post any question and the Struct4U-team or other users will answer them!
Struct4U IdeasThis topic category is to discuss improvements of functionality and ideas within the software of Struct4U.
Nederlands SubforumDeze categorie is voor Nederlandstalige gebruikers! Gebruik bij voorkeur de Engelse subfora. Mocht je liever in het Nederlands communiceren dan ben je hier van harte welkom!
GeneralCreate topics here that don’t fit into any other existing category. |
Struct4U Tips & TricsThis category is used by the team of Struct4U and users to post Tips & Trics about the use of the software.
Site FeedbackDiscussion about this site, its organization, how it works, and how we can improve it. |
XBeam2D Q&AThis category contains questions about XBeam2D! Post any question and the Struct4U-team or other users will answer them!
Spanish SubforumEsta categoría es para los usuarios de habla hispana. Utilice preferentemente los subforos en inglés. Si prefieres comunicarte en español, aquí eres bienvenido.
Example projectsThis category is meant for posting of example projects. Show what you have done with the software of Struct4U and share your knowledge with the Struct4U community!